Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

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Dirk (User)
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Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

Post by Dirk (User) »

Dear all,
There were several questions which not could be answered in the short of the time during Live Clöass #2.-
On behalf of Mostafa Biad, find here all questions and answers:

Answers to Pending questions from Live-class N° 2
17:52:47 From Fassihath TOUKOUROU : what is the outcome of the green generation plan in 2022? what have been the greatest challenges and difficulties in morocco?
Link to the main outcomes of “Plan Maroc Vert”: maroc-vert
Link to details about “Green Generation Plan”: ... -2020-2030
17:53:00 From Fassihath TOUKOUROU : what are the role of hydrolic basin agencies
River basin agencies (RBAs) were established according to Water Law 10-95. Their mission includes: managing and regulating water resources, as well as developing and supplying water, monitoring and regulating water use and quality, and planning for water-related emergencies such as flood control within their respective basins. There are nine RBAs, established as nodal agencies for administration at the regional level. According to Law 10-95, RBAs are legally and financially independent as they are funded by users’ fees. They are responsible for preparing river basin management plans based on integrated water resources management principles. Their other duties include authorizing water abstractions and discharges and maintaining a public register; collecting fees for abstraction and effluent discharges; providing financing and technical assistance for water pollution prevention; ensuring efficient water use; monitoring water quality; enforcing laws related to water resource protection; setting up an emergency response system; and promoting public awareness about water resource management.
7:53:48 From izzat : if there an unified irrigation water tariff
The tariff is not unified. The tariff per cubic meter of water delivered to the head of the property is set by joint committee of different ministerial departments (Agriculture, Interior, Economy and Finance, Water). It is defined for different irrigated perimeters...
17:54:35 From Rashid : Mustafa, what about the market and PPP in your context
PPP projects in irrigation are one among the solutions for service quality and performance of irrigation water service. See some details in the link below (in Arabic and french): ... ormat=html
17:55:36 From Nikhil Pawar (DLR) : Is there also a strategy for promotion of certain crops based on local water tables to ensure sustainable water withdrawal?
The aquifer contract (agreement/charter) is an innovative tool of local governance for the sustainable management of water resources, several departments/stakeholders participated in the development of this contract. The implementation of aquifer contracts at the hydraulic basin scale aims to:
§ Limitation of pumping and extension of irrigated perimeters
§ Use of water-saving techniques for irrigation
§ Strengthening the control system
§ The establishment of participatory groundwater management

17:55:37 From Farida Joumade/CRDA Nabeul/Tunisia : how do the agencies do to Distribute water when there is lake of water
Refer to the example of one of the Hydraulic basin agencies (ABH Sebou for instance):
17:55:42 From Maya Mhanna : what is the percentage of groundwater share for irrigation in Morocco>? and the wells for irrigation are they private or public ? and if private are ther legal or illegal?
Please refer to the website of ministry of water for detailed information about Water strategy, water resources available, allocation of groundwater, water police (for control), comsuptions, etc.
17:56:12 From Julius A K : On Water Governance .. is there a strategy / policy to coordinate the many actors as you stated?
The Department of Water is the national water authority responsible for the coordination of integrated water management.
Because water policy increasingly relies on shared responsibilities, a clear vision is required to achieve momentum towards sustainable water management. Morocco has adopted in 2014 the National Water Strategy, which aims at providing this vision of water resources management and achieving the National Water Plan (2020-2050), the legal document reporting the water policy.
17:56:49 From Fassihath TOUKOUROU : environnemental aspect! how do you preserve the aigainst greenhouse gas, CO2
Morocco contributes actively in the international effort for climate change by ratifying in 1995 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Morocco has also ratified the Protocol Kyoto in 2002 and the Paris Agreement in 2016. See more details about Moroccan strategy and action plan for the CC mitigation/adaptation:
17:57:30 From Habib Jomaa : I understand that use of solar energy lined up in 2030 is 52% . Is it right? what is the percentage of solar energy consumed in Morocco in 2022?
52% is the share of renewable energies by 2023 (Wind 20%, solar 20%, Hydropower 12%). In 2021 it is 37 % (3950 Mw installed power in terms of renewable energies)
17:58:02 From BENAMARA_HACENE : What is the rate of integration of solar energy in agriculture? Are there any large-scale projects of energy use in irrigation?
Solar energy production (20% by 2030 at national level) is produced in big sites (Ouarzazate, Midelt, etc.) with different technologies (PV, Thermic). It is directly injected in the national grid.
The SPIS, topic of the live class, is for small and very small-scale farms.

17:58:51 From Nikhil Pawar (DLR) : How safe is it to use treated wastewater for food crops?
The quality of treated wastewater should comply with the national standards and regulations.
The type of irrigation (A-B-C) (type of crops, green spaces, golf, etc..) define the level of quality and thus the level of treatment (Secondary, tertiary, disinfection, etc.)...
In many cases the treatment is up to the 3rd level followed by micro-filtration and disinfection (Using UV for instance)
17:59:32 From Fassihath TOUKOUROU : about the 20% projection for solar, wind and hydroelectric energy, has the context of the land favored this distribution? What is the current dominance?
52% is the share of renewable energies by 2023 (Wind 20%, solar 20%, Hydropower 12%). In 2021 it is 37 % (3950 Mw installed power in terms of renewable energies)
18:00:33 From Rachid SAFOUI : Moroccan Governement is oriented now to use desalination plant for drinking water and irrigation such us that project In South of Morocco exactly in the Chtouka Region.
Many thanks for the input Rachid
18:00:44 From MAYTHAM ALGHAFFARI : regarding the water treatment and desalination do you use RO or another of methods for agriculture ?
It is mainly RO process in the different desalination plants for drinking water.
There is 1 desalination plant for drinking water and irrigation mentioned by Rachid Safoui (see above) it is also RO process .
18:01:28 From Dhuha Abdulmunem : Does desalination usually take place on a macro level? is there household level desalination units or is it mostly on large scale?
It is mainly large and medium scale (utilities level)
There some industries offering solutions for households..
18:05:31 From Domitille Vallee (FAO) : What is the approach to check if the project effectively reach the water saving objective - and do not result in the opposite (more water use / when drip is used for intensification and extension of irrigation)
18:10:24 From Domitille Vallee (FAO) : the survey we did on the field is that in general farmers do not use well the drip so over irrigate...the "free energy"is not an incentive for water savings - except if there is effectively a control system.
18:06:14 From Domitille Vallee (FAO) : you need a water monitoring system coupled with the pumping to measure the water consumed
Many thanks Domitille for the comments.
It is, indeed, very interesting question, I suggest to introduce it in the discussion forum and collect opinions/experiences from different participants (countries).
You can also share the result of the survey.

18:09:33 From Habib Jomaa : Are the farmers interested by these Financial incentives fixed by the Government ? is this program working well?
Yes Indeed, mainly the new financial products brought access to loans and commercial banks for farmers (it was quasi-impossible before; etc.)
18:11:13 From Maya Mhanna : can you please repeat what is the size of the targeted agricultural area?
Please refer to the presentation all the information is available on the course platform, you can download it (live-class section)
18:11:37 From izzat : in such high subsidized marshal program, how will ensure the ownership and sustainability (50% for the system and 90 % for irrigation system)
It is sustainable because the alternative is costly, the subsidy is for the initial investment (once). The farmers should bear the O&M cost..
18:12:59 From Maya Mhanna : what is the percentage of contribution of medium and small famers in the crop production in Morocco?
I don’t have an idea; I give you the link to the ministry of agriculture you can try to find such details and information:
18:14:31 From BENAMARA_HACENE : is the solar energy used in irrigation subsidized by the state or it is supported by the farmer in terms of maintenance and monitoring
the subsidy is for the initial investment (once).
The contract with installer includes guarantee and after sale service The farmers should bear the O&M cost.
18:14:46 From Julius A K : The greatest incentives / motivation for farmers is being able to make money from their farming. Are their any produce market strategies or arrangement? or how is the market for agro produce in Morocco?
It is the Objective of the 2nd pillar of the agriculture stratgie (ref. to the presentation) § Pillar II: solidarity support for small-scale agriculture with the main objectives:
o Solidarity-basedmodernizationofsmall-scaleagricultureinordertoreducepoverty o Integration of these axes into a strategy of integrated rural development and the
development of alternative sources of income.
More details available on the website (in French) :
18:15:15 From Dhuha Abdulmunem : was there resistance from the farmers to accept the use of new technologies?
It is important to design accompanying measures for the program including information, awareness raising, (and capcity building). Such program needs management of change measures; not only because of resistance, but also for sustainability of the expected outcomes and the long term impact..

18:15:21 From Farida Joumade/CRDA Nabeul/Tunisia : how to know if the PIS is using less water resources or adequate quantities needed by plants
It is very important question; I suggest to share it in the forum for discussion and inputs from all participants.
18:15:30 From BENBAASID Hicham : Most of the farmers here in Morocco are waiting for state subsidies to switch to solar pumping There is another problem with the injection into the electrical network Is there a law that allows this?
For the first part of the question (.. waiting for the subsidy) see the answer above to Mr Rachid Safoui. Regarding the 2nd part of the question (law for renewable energies) : In order to support the development of the renewable energy sector, the Moroccan authorities have prepared Law No. 13-09 on renewable energies, promulgated by Dahir No. 1-10-16 of 26 Safar 1431 (February 11, 2010) and published in Official Bulletin No. 5822 of 1st Rabii II. See the link : ... bles-2.pdf
18:15:36 From Rachid SAFOUI : Here in Morocco, it is dificult to persuade farmers to use solar pumps instead of other conventional systems (diesel and butane) subsidized by the government because of still high prices of solar pannels.
Is it still the case? with the high increase of cost for fossil energies...
The initial investment is not the real barrier but the recurrent cost for energy consumption,.. I have seen a rush for solar in many regions, etc..
18:27:50 From Nacer Boukhris : How do you train investigators for taqa pro solar pumping ?
Several training centers spread over the territory provide labeling sessions. Supervised by experienced trainers, they take place in 1) the equipped centers of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) in Marrakech, 2) the Training Institute for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Professions ( IFMEREE) of Oujda, 3) soon in the IFMEREE of Tangier , 4) and other sites in the Rabat-Casablanca region.
18:28:41 From Farida Joumade/CRDA Nabeul/Tunisia : where SPIS is more used in Morocco in north or in South and what is the mean ares irriguated by solar pumping
Here we are talking mainly about small and very small-scale irrigation. It is almost in all the regions of the country
Even it should be more efficient in in the middle and sought of Morocco
18:28:45 From izzat : taqa quality support service is for free?
Yes, there some fees for the labelisation process and for training (around 200 euros).
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Re: Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

Post by cahcnahl »

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Re: Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

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Re: Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

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Re: Question & Answers Mostafa BIAD's presentation

Post by cahcnahl »

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